Shared Courses Fall 2013
Shared Courses offered Fall 2013
(Please note that these courses require permission of the instructor or a placement exam for students who were not enrolled in the prerequisite courses in the spring semester.)
Course |
Meeting time |
Classroom |
Elementary Bengali I (BNGL 110) |
MW 11:15-12:05, |
Dow B15 (370 Temple) |
Intermediate Bengali I (BNGL 130) |
M 10:10-11:05, T 12:20-1:10, W 10:10-11:00 |
Dow B15 (370 Temple) |
Elementary Khmer I (KHMER 110) |
MWThF 12:20-1:15 |
Dow B07 (370 Temple) |
Elementary Romanian I (ROMN 110) |
TTh 11:00-12:50 |
Luce B13 |
Intermediate Romanian I (ROMN 130) |
TTh 1:10-3:00 |
Luce B13 |
Elementary Tamil I (TAML 110) |
MW 2:10-4:00 |
Luce B13 |
Intermediate Tamil I (TAML 130) |
TTh 2:10-4:00 |
Dow B07 (370 Temple) |
Elementary Classical Tibetan I (TIBET 110) |
MW 11:00-12:50 |
Luce B13 |
Elementary Ukrainian I (UKR 110) |
MWF 9:00-10:15 |
Dow 420 (370 Temple) |
Elementary IsiZulu (ZULU 110) | M-F 11:35-12:25 | Dow 420 (370 Temple) |
Advanced isiZulu (ZULU 160) |
TTh 2:30-3:45 |
Dow 420 (370 Temple) |
Please note the following important information regarding the academic calendars* of the three institutions:
Classes start on Tuesday, September 3 and end on Monday, December 9.
No classes on: November 4 (Academic Holiday)
November 5 (University Holiday)
November 28 (Thanksgiving Holiday)
November 29 (University Holiday)
Study period: December 10-12
Exam period: December 13-20
Classes start on Wednesday, August 28 and end on Friday, December 6.
No classes on: September 2 (Labor Day)
October 12-15 (October recess)
November 27-December 1 (November recess)
Study period: December 7-11
Exam period: December 11-14
Classes start on Wednesday, August 28 (2-week shopping period) and end on Friday, December 6.
No Classes on: September 2 (Labor Day)
October 22-27 (October recess)
November 23-December 1 (November recess)
Reading period: December 7-11
Exam period: December 12-17
*For the days that the institutional calendars are not in synch, the instructors will offer alternative class meeting times and supplementary online activities.